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Monday, January 30, 2006

Guy number 5: Dale Wallace

Okay up until now I've been certain to keep these guys in the order they joined unfortunately I have no clue which of the next two joined first, so we'll go with this one.
Dale joined the band after original keyboarder Chris something or other quit, I think he got married dunnu seeing as how I never really cared what he was doing as long as they were releasing new music

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Guy Number Four: Patrick Bourque

Okay 'nother Frenchie. I really like this guy, he's an amazing bass player. Well that and their first bass player annoyed the heck out of me.
born in well um no clue don't have the info in front of me but hey I'll find out. eventually
Patrick was born in september of seventy-seven, I think.
He has an official site that isn't up yet but I'll stick a
link in here anyway.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Guy Number Three~ Mike Melancon

Mike was born in Montreal in 1978. 5' 10" tall.
He joined in the late nineties and at the time didn't speak any English. Yikes!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Guy Number Two: Danick Dupelle

I'm trying to do this in the order the guys joined the band, eventually I'll put in previous members, any way Danick was added to the group sometime in the nineties, given time and a better computer I could probably find out exactly when. He started playing guitar at a very young age and originally played in his parents band. When he was asked to join Emerson Drive (then 12- Guage), he was playing with a band called Farmer's Daughter.

He was born in Montreal in 1973, and is an only child not to mention the fact that he's only 5' 61/2 " tall. Any thing else you want to know you'll have to look someplace else.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Guy Number One: Brad Mates

Okay, Brad started the band with a group of friends in high school. Originally there were more than six members, but as time went by people left the group. Those who remained decided against replacing all the people and only allowed enough people to keep six people in the band at all times.
Brad was born in Alberta, Canada, in 1978. I could tell you lots more but I'll just stick a
link in here to every thing you could ever want to know.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Basic info

The band is made up of six Canadian guys including Brad Mates (of the very first step to e-drive started in high school), Danick Dupelle, Mike Melancon, Patrick Bourque, David Pichette, and Dale Wallace. Most of the band speaks at least a little French, for some it's their first language.

Emerson Drive

Okay first off I've been totally addicted to these guys since I heard I Should Be Sleepin' when doing math homework the day it came out. They've done really well for a band from Canada with very little backing from their original record label achieving things like American music awards major Canadian awards and top ten hits. The six man band lost their record lable and are now signed with Midas Records Nashville.