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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WOW (thanks for the news bro)

Last year for graduation my parents got me tickets to the first E-Drive concert with in driving distance in years... Concert cancelled, Brad Mates was sick.
I gave up, I simply wasn't ever going to see them in concert, at that point I wasn't even sure they would be around for another year...
So last night when my big brother called to tell me I just HAD to get on our country Fair's website 'cause there was something I needed to see on there all I could think was A) it's March why were you on that site Fair isn't til August... B) I really don't care about cows so Fonda has basically no appeal for me... C) I'm talking to you and we have dial up I can't get on the Net til we hang up tell me already, the suspense is killing me almost.... So of course I feel bad 'cause I just really don't care show season just means more work for me and if Scott, much as I love him, is excited by something chances are I won't get the point in it. He just keeps telling me there's something that I'm going to be excited by on that website... Sorry, school bus demolition derbies do very little for me. I'm more um civilized. (OK I'm going to see that too, rub it in)
Finally he says a band I like is going to be there. I, of course, think of my boys. But come on what are the chances that Emerson Drive will do a concert within walking distance of my house?
Oh yep, my guys are playing at Fonda. I'm still jumping up and down and grinning. 8th grade. That's how long I've been trying to see them in concert. Maybe this August is the time... i sure hope so.
On the other hand... Yet another sib to thank. Last summer Lizzy (elder sister) wrote to them to tell them how crushed I was to hear the concert had been canceled. Not really as second child you get used to being disappointed, it's basically an every day occurrence. Mom was more upset than I was. Not really sure if it's cause she likes 'em too or because I ended up getting a watch for graduation.
So anyway she tells them that our local fair is the perfect place for them to do a show. Now suddenly they're doing one, (as long as nobody dies or gets sick or any number of other problems) coincidence we think not. So a BIG thanks to Lizzy.
One question, last year Liz found out first, this time Scott, how is it my sib's know these things before I do? I'm always online checking on my guys. Why am I always the last to know?
Any way I'm cutting all my college classes on August 31, 2007 to go to an Emerson Drive concert, as long as nothing goes wrong..... (MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!)
Thanks again Scott, without the phone call I probably never would have found out... At least not til August... Now I just gotta get there.


Blogger nyvolfan said...

I hope everything works out for you this time. I had to call you and tell you they were coming as soon as I saw it.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Breezey375 said...

I'm really glad you called to tell me. I hope it works out too. I'll start to get really excited when the concert shows up on one of their websites, so far it hasn't. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not.

5:57 PM  
Blogger nyvolfan said...

Well it looks like they have added the Montgomery County Fair on their schedule. I just checked out their website. It looks like this will actually happen!!!!

9:25 PM  
Blogger Breezey375 said...

One can only hope....

6:15 AM  

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